Long time no speak!
On tumblr I always feel a bit weird ranting about things, especially when there are people on there who might see and start bitching about it or start spreading rumours or whatever, Basically I am getting really annoyed with some of my friends at the moment, probably because we're spending way too much time together, and we all need it to be summer like now, but there making us come in for another bloody week, and in the last week we hardly do any work anyway, we just watch halfway through a film and play games, fun!
Anyway like I was saying, Some people I really just want to slap at the moment, and it's not just me who is getting annoyed with them a lot of other people are as well, and it's also the case of people telling other people stuff which you have specifically told them not to, not because your scared they will find out, or your scared of the consequences of doing so, because if I really was I don't think I would do it in the first place, but it's just the hassle of people finding out and asking loads of questions and generally making a gigantic fuss over nothing, I am sounding quite vague when I talk about this, and I do apologise but if I start naming names then it will just turn into a big hoo-ha which I can't really be bothered to get into really. Also I'm getting annoyed at this one person because she puts me down so much and makes me feel like absolute shit, and at first I was fine with it, and I just brush it off, but when I think about it I don't think I should actually have to deal with that to be honest, she's meant to be a really good friend of mine, and the thing which really annoys me is I don't know if she knows she's doing it, or if it's just become a habit of hers now, but purposely or not she shouldn't be saying this to me, and it's time I actually stood up for myself, not that I ever will because I simply can't be bothered with all hassle if I do say something, and I'm just too chicken. Eughh. On the up-side I am going to Birmingham tomorrow with Alice and her brother which I am really looking forward to, although I have no money and her brother is lending me some and I'm paying him back next week, should still be fun though, hehe :) one more week until summer, please hurry up! please!
Also last week I went to T4 which was really good, even though at the end of it my legs felt like jelly because I had stood up for a long time, and I did get quite badly burnt, silly me! but it's starting to turn brown now, and peel a bit on my shoulders.. ew, it's strange to think that it was only a week a go, time goes so fast.
One more thing.. I really want a boyfriend! haha, I have ranted to my mum about this so much that I think it's starting to get on her nerves, but I am so jealous whenever I see a couple, either around school or anywhere really.. really annoying! Oh well, I'll just wait and see what happens in the future.. and I hope the people that are annoying me will stop, though thinking about it I don't think they will change and I was talking to this guy about it today, and he was saying that it was really funny how often I change who my friends are, but it's true, some weeks I really get along with some people and then the next week I'm absolutely sick of the sight of them which is really bad. I think we all just need a summer break now and everyone will come back refreshed and everything that might of happened will be forgotten about.. hopefully! Anyway, that's my rant over, looking forward to tomorrow! Byeeee xxxx
On tumblr I always feel a bit weird ranting about things, especially when there are people on there who might see and start bitching about it or start spreading rumours or whatever, Basically I am getting really annoyed with some of my friends at the moment, probably because we're spending way too much time together, and we all need it to be summer like now, but there making us come in for another bloody week, and in the last week we hardly do any work anyway, we just watch halfway through a film and play games, fun!
Anyway like I was saying, Some people I really just want to slap at the moment, and it's not just me who is getting annoyed with them a lot of other people are as well, and it's also the case of people telling other people stuff which you have specifically told them not to, not because your scared they will find out, or your scared of the consequences of doing so, because if I really was I don't think I would do it in the first place, but it's just the hassle of people finding out and asking loads of questions and generally making a gigantic fuss over nothing, I am sounding quite vague when I talk about this, and I do apologise but if I start naming names then it will just turn into a big hoo-ha which I can't really be bothered to get into really. Also I'm getting annoyed at this one person because she puts me down so much and makes me feel like absolute shit, and at first I was fine with it, and I just brush it off, but when I think about it I don't think I should actually have to deal with that to be honest, she's meant to be a really good friend of mine, and the thing which really annoys me is I don't know if she knows she's doing it, or if it's just become a habit of hers now, but purposely or not she shouldn't be saying this to me, and it's time I actually stood up for myself, not that I ever will because I simply can't be bothered with all hassle if I do say something, and I'm just too chicken. Eughh. On the up-side I am going to Birmingham tomorrow with Alice and her brother which I am really looking forward to, although I have no money and her brother is lending me some and I'm paying him back next week, should still be fun though, hehe :) one more week until summer, please hurry up! please!
Also last week I went to T4 which was really good, even though at the end of it my legs felt like jelly because I had stood up for a long time, and I did get quite badly burnt, silly me! but it's starting to turn brown now, and peel a bit on my shoulders.. ew, it's strange to think that it was only a week a go, time goes so fast.
One more thing.. I really want a boyfriend! haha, I have ranted to my mum about this so much that I think it's starting to get on her nerves, but I am so jealous whenever I see a couple, either around school or anywhere really.. really annoying! Oh well, I'll just wait and see what happens in the future.. and I hope the people that are annoying me will stop, though thinking about it I don't think they will change and I was talking to this guy about it today, and he was saying that it was really funny how often I change who my friends are, but it's true, some weeks I really get along with some people and then the next week I'm absolutely sick of the sight of them which is really bad. I think we all just need a summer break now and everyone will come back refreshed and everything that might of happened will be forgotten about.. hopefully! Anyway, that's my rant over, looking forward to tomorrow! Byeeee xxxx
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