So this Summer has been good so far, On Friday i went to see my friends play, which was brilliant, on Saturday i had a lazy day, to catch up on sleep and yesterday i went to annas house which was lovely, so a good few days! Today i'm just chilling with mum, taking Marley for a walk and not really doing anything that interesting, i do have really bad cramps today, so i have resorted to crawling into a ball and eating my body weight in junk food, That's another thing actually, this summer i was meant to go on a massive diet, but so far i have eaten a large domino's pizza on Saturday and i've just raded the fridge and ate a whole pack of chocolate fingers, so yeah.. the diet isn't really going to plan, hopefully after this week, when i don't feel like utter shit, thanks mother nature, i will feel better and start eating healthier, and start going running or something, eughhh, even the thought makes me tired, but it's what i have to do if i'm going to get a beach bod for Summer! Even though i'm not going on holiday this year, but next year we're going earlier in like april or something for 2 weeks to make up for it, so i have until then to get really skinny. Woo! Right, so that's just a little update for you, :) i'll write soon! Byeee. xx
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