This week is our exam week, some actual GCSE moduals but mostly our internal exams, and today i had my geography exam, which went horrifically, One question was like 'Describe a coastal flood' and i put 'The Tsunami in Haiti' Hahaaa, so yeah, i failed that one, and i also had my french listening exam, which was also really bad as well, so i'm not doing too well.. but i really hate french so i don't really care if i fail at that, but i'm also failing at Art as well, and now geography is following, all i have left is philosðics, which is pretty much the only subject i really like out of all my options, i do like art and french and geography, but it's our teacher who i don't like in art, french is just way too difficult, and now geography seems that way as well.. Arghh! oh well, i'm just going to think positively and hopefully things will turn out alright! hopefully! My mum said i can dye my hair red this weekend, which i'm really looking forward to, i quite like megan presscott's hair (skins) and so i want to like that! and i am so excited, but nervous at the same time, but i really needed a change! :)
Anyway, i'll be off.. i won't promise i'll write soon, because i probably won't, but i won't completley abandon you for tumblr! haha, Byeeee. xxxxxxxxx
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