Hello! I haven't written for a while. On Friday it was our last day of school which i couldn't of been happier about, and knowing that i don't have to wake up for school tomorrow makes me so happy. I also went to a party, and i got quite drunk, but it was all good because i slept at Doms with Catrin and Jake and got the train home in the morning and so my mum didn't suspect a thing. Tomorrow i am doing my final Christmas shopping hopefully, otherwise i can do it on Tuesday and I'm hopefully getting my ears peirced (2 on each ear lobe) and i am so exited, but i'm quite scared that it will hurt haha but it will be worth it.
The tree is finally up, and it looks pretty beautiful, and i helped decorate it, but we need a few more decorations before it's finally done,and i love how it's still snowy outside, so it just makes everything feel so lovely and Christmassy, I really want to watch a christmas film but i'm not sure what to watch.. hmmm, I'll have a look. It feels so christmassy with the fire on and the tree in the room, and i'm going to snuggle up with my duvet with a hot chocolate and a kit kat. Perfect night in :)
I might watch Juno, I know it's not a Christmassy film but i still love it so much, and i love all the songs, esspecially 'sea of love' by cat power it's so lovely.
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