Hello! i didn't get my ears peirced today, because the shop wasn't open because of the snow, so i was pretty gutted about that but hopefully tomorrow i will be able to get it done, I am also hoping to get any last Christmas presents, have a look for something to put on my floor for the party, that hopefully i'm still having if my parents are in a good mood and i really want to go sledging, but hardly anyone lives by me, and Al is in New York, well hopefully if her plane isn't cancled because of the snow, so i'm kind of stuck..unless Chloe is free then i might ask her if she wants to go sledging hahha.
Anyway, Just now i have watched Rugrats in Paris, because i'm cool like that and it just reminded me of old memories, i love that film so much, esspecially the music like 'when you love' by sinead o connor :') and 'i want a mom' ahh, it just makes me well up thinking about it. Starting to feel a little more Christmassy now, but the snow is kind of getting on my nerves a little bit because i can't get out anywhere and it's kind of boring staying in all the time, but at least it is probably going to be a white christmas! I will write soon, Byee.
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