Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas.

17 days till Christmas..

Today wasn't too bad, though i generally dislike Wednesdays, I'm looking forward to Tomorrow because i'm staying over at Cats, and my mum has made me write a 'check list' because she think that i will forget something and she 'doesn't want to come all the way out to colwall just because i haven't got myself organised' i was just like woah, chill out mum.

So, i came in from school, and i watched Home alone because i have wanted to watch it for ages, but it's always better at Christmas, I love that film so much it's so cute. I wish Winter was just Christmas and New years, Without the coldness, it's ridiculous trying to get out of bed in the morning, and p.e outside is just a joke, It will soon be summer though haha, and maybe because we've had such a cold winter we will have like a heatwave or something, who knows..
Anyway, I will write about my weekend and everything on Monday, so until then,

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