Hello! It's Sunday today, and i haven't done much apart from homework and sleep, I went to a party last night, and i had a really bad headache this morning, so i was recovering. :L My parents are really annoying me at the moment, they seem to always be nagging at me about something, and it's like they can't trust me anymore, and i don't know why, because it's not like i'm lying to them or anything, they even gave me a lecture yesterday about 'being safe' and everything, and i was just like, i know how to handle myself, i don't need you to keep on at me about it. :/eughhh, it's school tomorrow, which sucks. I hate how slow it seems to be going as well, i just want to get through this term, and i'm looking forward to summer now. My new puppy hasn't come yet, but he should be here pretty soon, we just need to get Alfie picked up first. Anyway, i will write more in the week, Byeeee.
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