Woah, i really need to start updating my blog.
Hello! I haven't been at school Today or Yesterday because of this sucky fever/flu/sick bug thing, but i am fine now, and i'm actually looking forward to going back because staying at home all day watching day time telly is awful. I'm really happy though which is such a lovely feeling, though lots of people are still walking around looking really miserable, and i just want to shout at them CHEER UP seriously, life is way too short to be miserable, they need to realise that. This weekend is going to be good, I'm with Catrin, Fran, Alexi, Megan this friday, spending Saturday with Clare in B'ham and seeing Ellie on Sunday, so it's one to look forward to!
I'm also looking forward to Thursday because i'm meeting up with my friend Hattie who i haven't seen in a while! and she's helping me dye my hair.. should be fun. Teehe.
Anyway, I WILL write soon :) Byeee.
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