I realized that i was wrong yesterday when i was ranting about how boring life is, It's me that makes life boring for myself. If i went out and did something useful with my time i wouldn't be bored at all. I need a job though, desperately i am willing to do anything to be honest. My mum says that if it's for money then i can do some work around the house and she will pay me for it, but i don't really want that because i will still feel guilty about taking her money. I will have a look round, there's a new shop that's opened in the link called the lemon tree so i am going to ask there because my mum is friends with the person who owns the shop so i might be in luck! It's so unfair how you can't get a job when your my age, and then my mum has a go at me when i talk about being bored saying that 'in my day... bla bla bla' and in her day it's so much different to now, because if i put '14 year old looking for a job' who knows what strange people it would attract. Eurgh, enough ranting now.
Tomorrow i have decided to go on a walk, I might go up the hills quite early but then again i don't know how likely that's going to be but i think it would be really nice to watch the sunrise. How early is the sunrise these days? about 5 in the morning? Well i will just have to see but it would be a pretty cool way to start the day though. Anyway i will be off, byeee. :)
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