This song is just amazing, i don't know what it is about it but it gives me major butterflies in my tummy. I used to get like that with other songs like passion pit, but i think that's just because they bring back really good memories, and this song reminds me of holiday and i just love that about music how it can remind you of memories like that it's a really weird sensation but it's a good one as well! haha, i keep posting stuff, i think it's to make up for the fact that i haven't really posted much recently but i am going to have a bath and go to bed now so i can get up early in the morning for my hills excursion! i don't know how i'm going to walk up there, i might go past Ellies house and straight up, i don't know how early buses start running, so it might be quite a walk up, but oh well goodnight, i will write more soon. :)
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