Friday, 20 August 2010

Beautiful weather. ☂

I have just woken up. It's becoming ridiculous how lazy i'm becoming, God help me when we get back to school. I had a horrible dream last night that we were given our new time tables and all my teachers were horrible, I was so relieved when i woke up and i really hope that doesn't happen! As long as i don't have Mrs. Cook for Geography i am happy, Oh and i want a good maths teacher this year, if not i'm going to get my mum to move me straight away. I really need to sort out a hair appointment soon, I don't know how blonde i should go though, i don't think i want to go bleach blonde but i want there to actually be a difference this time because last time i tried to go blonde it didn't really make much of a difference at all, and i ended up just being ginger. So i'm going to have a look at some pictures, and i might buy a hair magazine or something. I wish it would just stop raining though, It makes everything so much more miserable. I can't wait till i can drive, Jack says that by this April he will be driving, but i doubt that. Anyway, I am off to the libary now to go print a 'job wanted' thing off. Byeee.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

look who's alone now. It's not me. It's not me.

When it's the summer, i keep forgetting what day it is. I quite like that though, because i don't feel rushed and it's a lot more relaxing. Today it's raining, and when it rains i can never be bothered to do much. It's also Ellies birthday, So HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLIE. Haha, Tomorrow i think i'm meeting up with Hannah, Vicki, Holly and Clare again to film our video thing that we didn't finish last time, so that should be a laugh it was so funny last time we went round, we had a bbq, because my mum didn't want us to have the camp out that we had planned that night, and we roasted marshmallows and cooked sausages, ahh it was amazing, we still need to do a camp out this summer, i don't know who it would be with but i really want one before we go back to school. Mum brought these really nice things from M&s, there like brownies but they come with these little dips, and it's so good and addicting, I really should be on a diet though, i must of put on so much weight this summer, but oh well haha. So anyway, I don't really know what to do with the rest of the day, My plan for watching the sunrise didn't really work out, because when i woke up at 5, I knocked my phone onto the floor and stabbed it until it turned off and went back to sleep. So i was a bit gutted when i woke up. But oh well, maybe some other time, Byeeee.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010


This song is just amazing, i don't know what it is about it but it gives me major butterflies in my tummy. I used to get like that with other songs like passion pit, but i think that's just because they bring back really good memories, and this song reminds me of holiday and i just love that about music how it can remind you of memories like that it's a really weird sensation but it's a good one as well! haha, i keep posting stuff, i think it's to make up for the fact that i haven't really posted much recently but i am going to have a bath and go to bed now so i can get up early in the morning for my hills excursion! i don't know how i'm going to walk up there, i might go past Ellies house and straight up, i don't know how early buses start running, so it might be quite a walk up, but oh well goodnight, i will write more soon. :)


I realized that i was wrong yesterday when i was ranting about how boring life is, It's me that makes life boring for myself. If i went out and did something useful with my time i wouldn't be bored at all. I need a job though, desperately i am willing to do anything to be honest. My mum says that if it's for money then i can do some work around the house and she will pay me for it, but i don't really want that because i will still feel guilty about taking her money. I will have a look round, there's a new shop that's opened in the link called the lemon tree so i am going to ask there because my mum is friends with the person who owns the shop so i might be in luck! It's so unfair how you can't get a job when your my age, and then my mum has a go at me when i talk about being bored saying that 'in my day... bla bla bla' and in her day it's so much different to now, because if i put '14 year old looking for a job' who knows what strange people it would attract. Eurgh, enough ranting now.
Tomorrow i have decided to go on a walk, I might go up the hills quite early but then again i don't know how likely that's going to be but i think it would be really nice to watch the sunrise. How early is the sunrise these days? about 5 in the morning? Well i will just have to see but it would be a pretty cool way to start the day though. Anyway i will be off, byeee. :)

Brewing up a storm!

Today was pretty boring, but alright. Me and the fam played a good game of Monopoly and then we ordered a pizza (ham and pineapple, yum!) and watched 'our house' which is this really funny film. Now though, i am going to clear out my wardrobe because their is a lot of stuff in there which i don't really like, and it's just cluttering my wardrobe up so i'm going to have a big sort out and chuck stuff i don't want anymore. I have decided that for my birthday i might have a camp out with a few friends, Dad's making me a cake that he made for Jack on his birthday which was so good! Anyway, I will be off now (: Byeeee.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010


I feel like life is far too boring for my liking. I want to travel and explore and just leave everything behind. I love the feeling of being free from everything that's why whenever i come back from holiday, and you return to where everything is back to normal and it's back to school and it's the same old day in day out. I just hate it, i feel like i just want to scream and run away from all of that hassle. I like the unexpected, it makes life so much more exiting and i think what's the point in having a life if your not going to live it to the full? How are you supposed to live every day as if it's your last when you have all this crap that's making it actually impossible to do.
Anyway, there isn't much that i can do to make what i want possible until i'm old enough, and even then i don't think i would be able to. I guess i just have to stick it out and make the most of what i have, Because that's all you can do in life really, Make the most of it.


It's 12:15 and i have just woken up, I had some really nice tropicana orange juice and i am now going to look and see if my film arrived that i've been waiting 5 whole days for!

1 second..

Damn. It hasn't come. Jeez, it's taking it's time. Yesterday was really sunny and guess what i spent all day doing.. cleaning my room. It is really nice and tidy now though so the hard work paid off! I haven't really made any plans for today but the weather looks quite nice, for once, so i want to go out. I am shocked at what Emma Watson has done to her hair! I would never cut all of my hair off like that and i don't think it looks as nice as it did. Silly girl. I am also looking for another jumper, Hannah has got one which i love and i really want one like it! so i'm going to look around. Right, I am off for now so byeee.

Monday, 16 August 2010

sympathy is overrated.

I haven't written much in ages. I've been making the most of my summer though because it's not long until i'm back at school. I wish I was somewhere other than England at the moment but hey ho, I will just have to wait until next year. Anyway, i am wondering what to do for my birthday which isn't long! I've already decided what i'm going to get, but i just don't know what i'm actually going to do for it. It's on a Monday this year, which sucks but oh well i'll make the most of it. I'm agetting my hair dyed blonde for when i go back, which i'm really exited about and i really want this coat that i've seen in topshop, it's like 80 pounds though, but i'm going to get a lot of wear out of it, so it's definitely worth it. Ahhhh i'm so exited!!

At the moment though i am looking for a job, but the people that i have asked so far have said that i was too young which i don't think is fair but i am going to ask around and hopefully i will be able to get one soon enough! I'm really not posting a lot this month, but i will be back on track when i go back, It's just hard to find time to write when your out and about :)
So now i am going to go watch titanic, because i just love that film a hell of a lot. I will be writing very very soon, Byeee.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

I change shapes just to hide in this place.

Yesterday was so funny, I went round to clares for a sleepover, and to catch up on our holidays! she brought me these really nice sweets back from Hong Kong, and i brought her a little camel! hahaa so we were in our jimmers watching the parent trap which is an amazing film, and i wished that we finished it before they came, but oh well and then Hannah came to the door, and me and Clare didn't realize who it was at first haha and Vicki and Holly were all outside, so we decided to go to the park and go back to vicki's house afterwards, it was really fun. So today, i'm thinking of having a pajamas day, because i'm in a really lazy mood. So i'm going to go cook up some super noodles and go watch some films! I was watching this really gross film the other day called the fly, my parents were talking about it on holiday and they told me that i had to watch it when i got home and it was actually disgusting, a woman gave birth to a maggot! Eugh. I am also really wanting to get my ears pierced, but i'm scared that it will hurt, because when i last had them done i cried! haha, I might just get some stick-on ones ;D Anyway, i will be off but i will write more soon because i seem to of slowed down on my posts this month! Bye Byeee xx

Monday, 9 August 2010


I'm finally back after an amazing time in Tunisia. It was so nice, and there is so much to tell i don't even know where to begin! My mums brother picked us up and dropped us off at the airport and then there was a three hour delay for our plane, but i didn't let that ruin my holiday!! I explored all the duty free shops and brought some refreshing COCONUT wipes from boots! haha, Finally they called us to our gate and the plane ride was fine apart from a little bit of turbulence. We arrived at Tunisia at night, and when we got to the hotel it was so nice to be inside because even though it was 2 in the morning it was still like 30 degrees! They gave us something to eat, and then we went to bed, and woke up the next morning refreshed!!

I went in the pool a lot and worked on my tan! and i now have a tan which i'm really proud of. The only bad thing about the holiday was the pervy waiters which were really creepy , and it was quite funny because one of them, who was really sweet but a bit full on thought i was eighteen, and so he started flirting with me a lot and he said that i was 'a beautiful rose' and i was a bit like err.. and then i was just really freaked out and then he came back to our table with a rose and tucked it behind my ear, and then he asked my parents how old i was and when they said i was only fourteen he looked so shocked it was unreal and started saying 'i thought, eighteen?' and then he started apologizing to me and my parents it was so funny, it made my whole week. There were quite a few others like that and they kept asking for my facebook and everything, so i just made up a name! Oh well, apart from that it was really amazing, and i wish that i was still there, but in some ways it's good to be back to my own bed, nothing beats your own bed. I was so tired coming back from holiday, but it all went pretty smoothly apart from an accident on the motorway which meant we had to go the long way round. So that was my holiday. I can't wait for Clare to get back from Hong Kong, she's flying now and i really need to arrange a sleepover with her and just tell her EVERYTHING. Ahh, I'll write more soon Byee Byee.