Hey! It's nearly April, and the clocks have gone forward, which kind of marks the beggining of summer, which means it's nearly here! :) can't wait, i'm going to try and make this summer the best one yet. This weekend was okay, i went shopping in Cheltenham which was good, and i got a few new clothes, which i'm pretty happy about, and i met Cat and we went to peachy with libby and milli, and it wasn't great really, everyone was just stood in a field getting either high or drunk and when i brought some, it turned out to be a bag of grass (not weed, actual grass) which i paid twenty quid for.. so yeah, kind of made me realise that there are only a few people you can trust with stuff like that, and i've learnt from my mistake and i am never buying it from those people again, my brother said he's going to try and get my money back, but i just want people to drop it now and move on, i don't really care to be honest, anyway jack is having a driving lesson tomorrow, and my mum was giving him a few tips in the car which was quite funny, and i can't wait till i can drive, i'm so jealous. I'll write soon, byeee. xo
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