Monday, 28 March 2011

And the world spins madly on...

Hey! It's nearly April, and the clocks have gone forward, which kind of marks the beggining of summer, which means it's nearly here! :) can't wait, i'm going to try and make this summer the best one yet. This weekend was okay, i went shopping in Cheltenham which was good, and i got a few new clothes, which i'm pretty happy about, and i met Cat and we went to peachy with libby and milli, and it wasn't great really, everyone was just stood in a field getting either high or drunk and when i brought some, it turned out to be a bag of grass (not weed, actual grass) which i paid twenty quid for.. so yeah, kind of made me realise that there are only a few people you can trust with stuff like that, and i've learnt from my mistake and i am never buying it from those people again, my brother said he's going to try and get my money back, but i just want people to drop it now and move on, i don't really care to be honest, anyway jack is having a driving lesson tomorrow, and my mum was giving him a few tips in the car which was quite funny, and i can't wait till i can drive, i'm so jealous.
I'll write soon, byeee. xo

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Tell the world i'm coming home.

Today felt a lot like summer. It was really sunny, and it's made me more exited for summer now, hoepfully it will be here sooon! This week has been okay, though it's had it's ups and downs, it was Jacks 17th on Tuesday and we went out for a meal, and it was pretty funny.. for some reason we were talking about vajazzles (don't ask) and my brother thought it was a type of fish?! and my mum was laughing so much that she choked on a smartie ahaha, and then we wanted an ice cream factory, but the machine broke and my brother tried to work it and it went all over him, so we didn't have to pay for our desserts, which was pretty good, though it was really emmbarrsing because everyone was looking at us! aha
My brother is hopefully going to get his driving lessons soon, and then i can hopefully get lifts off him, well.. hopefully. I'm going for a walk with the fam later, with Marley. We need more pictures of him as a puppy though, because he's growing up so fast! I was watching crufts, and there was a spanish water dog called Paco, and he looked so cute! I'm quite glad Marley was born without a tail though, because they look a bit weird with them! right now my parents are really annoying me, because they are nagging at me to clean my room, when i've spent about an hour doing it.. Eugh. I'm going to watch A.I later, and i've just realised how much Marley looks like Teddy off it! ahhhh. I'll write soon, byeeeee.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

i'll find someone like you..

Heeeeeeeello. I didn't get up to much this weekend, i decided it was way too much hassle, and it was also freezing cold, so i didn't go to the camp out, but i'm looking forward to mine in the summer! I haven't done much this weekend, apart from watch high school musical 1,2 and 3 and learnt a song on the ukulele, which i am quite pleased with :) I wish you could upload videos on here, but neeeever mind. I want to become really good at it, and maybe write my own songs! which would be coooooooooool. It's back to school tomorrow, and i haven't done any of the homework which i said i would get done, and i can't find half my books, so that's not a great start. I'm kind of looking forward to tomorrow though, because i'm going to neros after school with Catrin, and we're going to speak french and learn our writing assessments, whilst having a cheesecake and hot choc! So i'm looking forward to that :) Maaarley has put on like 3 pounds, and he's getting a bit overweight so we have to reduce his meal sizes, well, that's what the vet told us ahha, but i still gave him a few chocolate buttons tehehe. I LOVE MARLEY, he's the best doggy in the whole wide worllllld, also i'm looking forward to seeing saskia tomorrow, she's been ill.. so it will be good to see her again! Anyway, that's all for now, I'll write sooooon, OH it's my brothers birthday on Tuesday (which is also pancake day) So there's lots to look forward to this week actually :) BYE. Xo

Thursday, 3 March 2011

And this feeling i can't let it go.

It's Thursday today, and it's the fourth day of being back at school, and i'm already sick of it. It's so cooooold, and i really wish summer would just hurry up.
It hasn't been all bad though, on Tuesday my friend hattie came to mine to see Marley, and we took some photos of him and took him on a walk, and yesterday Clare came round to see him again :) we're looking for puppy training classes, there was one, but they were charging like 65 pounds, for 6 lessons, which is a bit much. He's already grasping 'shake' and he knows how to sit, and he's only 15 weeks, so it's pretty good.
I might be going to a camp out this weekend, but i'm in two minds about it, i doubt i will stay, because it's going to be so cold and i think people might see us if we have it there, esspecially if we're thinking of having a camp fire, i don't see why we can't just wait till the summer to have this, we are litrally going to be freezing, but we'll see what happens anyway. I'll write soon, Byeeeeee.