Today felt a lot like summer. It was really sunny, and it's made me more exited for summer now, hoepfully it will be here sooon! This week has been okay, though it's had it's ups and downs, it was Jacks 17th on Tuesday and we went out for a meal, and it was pretty funny.. for some reason we were talking about vajazzles (don't ask) and my brother thought it was a type of fish?! and my mum was laughing so much that she choked on a smartie ahaha, and then we wanted an ice cream factory, but the machine broke and my brother tried to work it and it went all over him, so we didn't have to pay for our desserts, which was pretty good, though it was really emmbarrsing because everyone was looking at us! aha
My brother is hopefully going to get his driving lessons soon, and then i can hopefully get lifts off him, well.. hopefully. I'm going for a walk with the fam later, with Marley. We need more pictures of him as a puppy though, because he's growing up so fast! I was watching crufts, and there was a spanish water dog called Paco, and he looked so cute! I'm quite glad Marley was born without a tail though, because they look a bit weird with them! right now my parents are really annoying me, because they are nagging at me to clean my room, when i've spent about an hour doing it.. Eugh. I'm going to watch A.I later, and i've just realised how much Marley looks like Teddy off it! ahhhh. I'll write soon, byeeeee.