So as i said i would do a post about bee club, Basically it all started in DT when me, Hannah and Vicki decided to do a bee game, and then it just grew from there! There are loads of people who have joined in bee club but I'm Buzzwinkle, Hannah is Buzzlightyear and Vicki is Buzzter and we are the founders of the bee club. There are some important people who are also a part of this bee society, Mr palser is our bee God and Philip Mccabe (who is a babe) is our prime minister! There is also Trevor, who is the leader of all the bees! and so yeah that's basically what our bee club is!
So i must Buzz ;) but i will write sooon Byeee.
So i must Buzz ;) but i will write sooon Byeee.
Technically, it started in French ;)