I only managed to post twice last month, which is really bad. I am now sixteen, my birthday was three days a go and I got the best birthday present ever!
In 3 weeks mums taking me on holiday for a week, which is a bit cheeky because it's in school time but mums saying that I'm ill, so it's all good. I got a midnight beast t-shirt from Catrin, Holly and Vicki which I love a lot!
I also got some soap and glory stuff from Heather, Clare got me a cath kidston make-up bag with barry M nail polish and a chocolate-orange owl lip gloss which is so cute! and she also baked me brownies which are the best things everrrrrrrrrrrr. So I was really happy with all my pressies from my friends. I got some new make-up and I had a really nice chocolate birthday cake, so it was a really, really good day and I can't wait for my holiday, I'm going to beg dad to borrow him camera so I can take some snaps as well, oooooo! And I promise to blog about it when I get back. So far year 11 has been quite shitty and stressful and I'm bricking it for my GCSE's but I'm going to work hard and hope for the best really. Anyway, going to a party tomorrow which I'm pretty hyped for, though it probably won't be great since it's only 3 hours long and their is no alcohol so it'll probably be really awkward. Um, Should be fun though! Anyway, off to beddy byes! xxxx