Hey!Quite disappointed i only got round to writing one post last month, but it was Easter and then the royal wedding and it's just all been going on, and because my laptop is broken my dad can be a bit of a nob when it comes to letting me borrow his computer, but i needed to write my blog so here it is! :)By the way, there was some shocking news yesterday, they killed Osama Bin Laden :O Anyway, back to my blog..
So i started work experience today, and it was pretty good :) i was working in class four and they made me help out with the mental maths in the morning, and it was quite humiliating
because most of these 7-8 year olds were better at maths than i am, and when the teacher asked me to help this one girl i think i just really confused her, and just ended up giving her all the answers ahaha, But it got better and we had assembly, or 'worship because it's like a Christian school so they like pray all the time, and in assembly we were singing hymns, the first one i didn't know, but it was lovely and the second was 'ain't no mountain high enough' which is one of my favorite all-time songs, and so that just put me on a high for the whole day and the lady said that if the kids were good they got to sing like there favorite song at the end, and i was just thinking it was going to be another hymn or something, but then they all started singing lady gaga bad romance and fireflies by owl city and jls everybody in love, i was just sat there like errr.. but yeah, it was really cute :) after that was break, and i just hung out with a couple of year 4 friends and they showed me there secret handshake which was the code to get into there secret hiding place and they said they i could join there group, and i felt pretty privileged :P so yeah.. Then after that was literacy and they stuck me with the low-ability group, which just meant i had to read out the whole passage while they followed it with there finger, most of them even struggled to write there name, which i thought was pretty worrying.. but yeah it was alright :) I went home for lunch and watched a bit of telly, and went back and we did a bit of Science, and art and this one little brat flicked paint on me, which i wasn't too happy about, but i guess.. kids will be kids. Tomorrow i get to work with Class two and nursery so i'm really looking forward to that more than anything! we get to play the parachute game, woooo!
Right, i'll be off, i promise i will write soon, byeeee.