Sunday, 27 February 2011

who made you king of anything?

Hey, Yesterday was Clares birthday, and it was a really good day. We went to nandoes for lunch and i had a chicken wrap and chips followed by a choc a lot pudding ;) it was soo good. Afterwards we looked in a few shops and me, daisy and vicki went back to vicki's to get clare's suprise (a cake) which turned out alright! so me and vicki's efforts paid off! and me, daisy and vicki all got hats and sunglasses, so we look like right cool keds.
It's the last day of the half term, and it's kind of a homework/lazy day, as i can't really be bothered to do much, even though i haven't done a lot this half term, it's still been really good and i can't actually wait until the summer now, i just wish it would hurry up already. I was also looking at pictures yesterday, and i realised how much i miss my blonde hair, but i'm going to leave dying my hair for a few months, to get the conditon back up and then i'll bleach it :) so that's the plan! I'll write soon, byeeee.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

it's a wild world.

Hey! Yesterday was pretty fun i went to Heathers, and she had a sleepover as a kind of birthday thing, along with Clare and Anna, and we went on the hills, and tried to get a bit 'merry' but it kind of failed since we had like a tiny bit of vodka, whiskey and the rest of it was just made up of lemonade, so it didn't really work, and we tried to snort nutmeg haha, but that didn't work either, and now everytime i sneeze i just keep getting lumps of nutmeg which is really gross!
Today i'm going to take my puppy Marley on a walk around the street with my dad, and i'm mega exited since it's his first time going on a walk, and on Wednesday he is going on a proper walk on the common ahhh, he's growing up so fast!

So that's all i have planned for today, well that and sleeping, and i suppose i better make a start on the huge pile of homework i have to do. Eughhhhh. I said that i would actually make the most of this break, but i just seem to be lieing in so late, that by the time i do get up there isn't much point in doing anything, hopefully i'll get out of my lazyness tomorrow and actually do something rather than just lazing around. OOOh and me and Hattie might have a alice in wonderland themed tea party, well hopefully anyway and i am going to be the mad hatter! YAY. I also wish my hair would hurry up and grow faster. It's annoying how long it's taking.


Saturday, 12 February 2011

left me shimmering.

Hello :)
This weekend has been pretty boring and it's because i am too lazy/tired TO do anything, so i've spent the last two weekends catching up on sleep aha :) Tomorrow, i am going to dye my hair brown, because i was going to bleach it, so that it went really blonde, but it was in really bad condition, so i couldn't, and my mum said that i should go back to brown for a while and give my hair a chance to recover and then for the summer, i should have it bleached so that's the plan.
I can't wait for the summer, it felt really nice today when the sun came out, and it makes me feel really happy :) and also i can have my camp out and i think everyone will just be generally happier i'm not going away on holiday but we might be going to a country cottage by the sea in Devon or somewhere like that aha and taking Marley with us :) so i'm looking forward to that, and mum MIGHT let me take a friend, but i'm not getting my hopes up, because the last time i planned that, nothing happened, but still, fingers crossed! and some of them even have pools, so that's pretty dooooooooooooody. I am going to go to bed now, even though it is pretty early for me on a weekend (half ten?!) but i think i'm growing as well, because i always feel really tired and achy and it's really annoying because i can never be bothered to do anything, not that it makes a huge difference to what i'm normally like anyway tehe. I will write sooooooon.


Oh, one more thing, i watched a really sad film about a dog called Hachi i actually could not stop crying haha, i reccomend it to EVERYONE.

Monday, 7 February 2011

put on my worried shoes, my worried shoes.

Sorry that i didn't post much in January, but i was pretty busy. It was a good month in some ways, and bad in other ways but all in all, it's one i won't forget in a hurry, It's february now and there are a few things i have to look forward to, such as Clares birthday! on the 26th, and some things that i'm not looking forward to so much, such as valentines day. When i was younger my mum used to write a valentines card for me, and it was only recently that i found out it was her that had been sending them aha :P Anyway, there's not much to tell you about, but my new puppy Marley is a really fast learner! He's learnt to sit and he knows where to go to pee already, and he's only been here a week! It's Tuesday tomorrow, and hopefully it should be a good day, it's the one day of the week when i don't actually mind going to school, apart from the two hours of geography, that's not so great, and i think we have a test tomorrow, Oh joy.
Please hurry up and let it be Friday already!