Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Walking in a winter wonderland...

Monday, 29 November 2010
Sugar wishes don't change what is real.

Sunday, 28 November 2010
Just do what you do.

Saturday, 27 November 2010
Sweet dreams sweet cheeks.

So it took us about three hours to get there, but the traffic wasn't too bad so it was all good, and then we met my older brother at Marble Arch and then we went on the tube to his school, which is called kings solomon academy and it's so weird, they have a clock counting down how many hours until they go to university and at the moment they only have years 7 and 8 but every year there going to add another year, and it's really weird because there not allowed to speak to each other, and they have to chant the school motto, which is like 'learning is knowlege, knowlege is power and power is freedom' and it's just so weird.
So after that we decided to do a bit of shopping on Oxford street, and i got a scarf and some shoes and some really nice shorts and wooly tights from urban outfitters, i can't tell you how much i love that shop, After we did a bit of shopping i really wanted a bens cookie, which are the nicest cookies in the whole entire world, Clare introduced me to them, and i saved her one, double chocolate chip ;) ahh, they are so good. The shops looked so pretty because they had all there Christmas decorations, and everything looked so beautiful :) I'm going back in May, and i'm going to New York next year ahhhh, exiting times, So lots to look forward to, ahh only one more day of freedom until school, eugh. Oh well Christmas will be here soooon.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Of course it's beautiful, it's Heaven.

Anyway, tomorrow i only have to go in for ten minutes, and then i have the whole day free, and i am going shopping at the retail with my munmmmy :) Anyway, i am so cold, litrally my nose feels like it's going to drop off, but i'm looking at the bright side of things, and apparently it's going to snow this weekend, so fingers crossed, oh i love how christmassy everything feels it's so lovely :)
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
It's something that i can't live without.

Wow, i don't think i've been this happy in ages, things today could of gone a lot better for other people though, and i hope that they will feel better very soon, because i hate seeing people upset, esspecially people who i really care about. Anyway, IT'S ONLY A MONTH AND TWO DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! So exiting. AND AND AND, i'm going to London in only FOUR DAYS. Tomorrow is our last day before our 4 day weekend, and people were going to do this walk out thing, which i don't think i feel strongly enough about to actually protest, and hopefully by the time we go to university it will of all changed, but ya know, i would of still of done it if other people did. Well, i best be off but i will write sooon, Byeee.
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Better things are coming.

There's only 3 days to get through now until our 4 day weekend, though i have my target setting thing at ten to nine, but i guess that means that i have more of a day off, still i would of quite liked to have a lie in. Jack fixed my computer, which means i no longer have to go into my his room to go on facebook or whatever, which has also put me in a cheery mood.
Anyway, I will be off but i will write tomorrow.
Monday, 15 November 2010
Don't think of me.

Today didn't get off to a great start, the bus was full so i had to wait an hour for another bus to turn up, which i wasn't really happy about since is was BLOODY freezing, it wasn't that bad though, next week we have a 4 day weekend because it's target setting day and then a teacher training day after and then i am off to London, wahey, i just have to get through this week first. I'm looking forward to art tomorrow, even though Mr. Beck is the most annoying teacher in the whole world i still really like my art lessons, I am really not looking forward to double geography though. Fuck my life.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Every colour goes where you do.

It was Catrin's party yesterday, and it was really good, this morning i got up and helped her clear everything up, someone put all the lego on the floor, and there was sick mixed in with it which was really gross and we went to 3 different bins just getting rid of all the cans and the rest of it we just put a load of stuff on top so it wasn't that obvious. She said her mum was a bit angry, but that it was worth it, which it was because it was really good. Tomorrow i am going to meet up with Hattie and then do my homework, eughh.
It's only two weeks till London though and i am megaa exited. I've saved up quite a bit of money so that i can go shopping, and i'm also looking forward to seeing my older brother because i hardly get to see him anymore because he is always so busy. Anyway, i will write sooon
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
So very, very cold.

I feel so CHRISTMASSY. I'm currently listening to 'driving home for Christmas' which is my FAVORITE Christmas song ever. I'll write sooooooooon
Monday, 8 November 2010

Anywhoo i will be off for now
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Sweet sweet nothings.

Oh, and i also saw harry styles IN NOTHING BUT BOXERS, i almost fainted.
I wish i did something more eventful this evening, but i am actually so tired it's unreal.
I'm dying my hair tomorrow, BLONDER.My roots are disgusting me, Vick had a go at cutting my fringe this morning, and i got really scared so i only let her cut it a little bit te he.
I have a lot of things to do tomorrow actually, including homework, euuuuuugh.
Well, that is all for now.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010
but i'll kiss my lips and blow it to you.

Today was crap, as Wednesdays generally are, and tomorrow isn't much to look forward to either, and i have French and science homework to do eughhh, but one thing that's keeping me in good spirits is that Christmas is only 50 days away! and Me, Hannah, Clare,Vicki, Ellie Corn, Lauren and Rach are doing secret Santa, and i have a few ideas of what to buy for my person :)
I really need to go shopping and stock up on Winter clothes, but i need money first, and i have absolutely nooooooone, And as soon as mum realizes how much I've spent on my phone going on facebook this month, i don't think she will feel very generous.
I really need to go shopping and stock up on Winter clothes, but i need money first, and i have absolutely nooooooone, And as soon as mum realizes how much I've spent on my phone going on facebook this month, i don't think she will feel very generous.
Tuesday, 2 November 2010

After i am staying at Vicki's with Clare and she's going to cut my hair for me, which i'm pretty nervous about but oh well, what's the worst that could happen?
Right i best crack on with the almighty amount of homework i have, ew ew ew
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